This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Summary of the Course Timeline

Week 1 - Mon, Aug 14th


  • [W1.1] OOP: Classes & Objects

  • [W1.2] OOP Inheritance

  • [W1.3] OOP: Polymorphism

  • [W1.4] Java: Collections

  • [W1.5] Exception Handling

Full ToC


  1. Submit pre-lecture quiz Mon, Aug 21st 2359
  2. Set up the tools before the lecture
  3. Submit the pre-course survey Fri, Aug 18th 2359
  4. Learn about the course
  5. [Optional] Follow the Git learning trail
  6. Attend the first lecture

Week 2 - Fri, Aug 18th


  • [W2.2] SDLC Process Models: Basics

  • [W2.3] RCS: Revision History

  • [W2.4] RCS: Remote Repos

  • [W2.5] IDEs: Basic Features

  • [W2.6] Automated Testing of Text UIs

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz Fri, Aug 25th 1600
  2. Get connected to our communication channels


  1. Learn about the project
  2. Set up prerequisites
  3. Set up the project in your computer
  4. Add Increments while committing frequently: Level-0, Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, Level-4, A-TextUiTesting, Level-5, Level-6, A-Enums Thu, Aug 24th 2359

Week 3 - Fri, Aug 25th


  • [W3.1] RCS: Branching

  • [W3.2] RCS: Creating Pull Requests

  • [W3.3] Automating the Build Process

  • [W3.4] Java: JavaDoc, file I/O, packages, JARs

  • [W3.5] Code Quality: Coding Standards

  • [W3.6] Developer Testing

  • [W3.7] Unit Testing

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz
  2. [CS2103 students only] Form teams during the tutorial


  1. Do any leftover iP tasks from the previous week
  2. Create a PR to the upstream repo
  3. Add Increments as branches: Level-7, Level-8
  4. Add Increments: A-MoreOOP, A-Packages, A-Gradle, A-JUnit, A-Jar
  5. Add Increments as parallel branches: A-JavaDoc, A-CodingStandard, Level-9


  1. Get familiar with AB3 features
  2. Set up a project meeting time by the end of the tutorial

Week 4 - Fri, Sep 1st


  • [W4.1] Design: Models

  • [W4.2] Class/Object Diagrams: Basics

  • [W4.3] Class Diagrams: Intermediate-Level

  • [W4.4] Java: JavaFX

  • [W4.5] Java: varargs

  • [W4.6] Code Quality: Naming

  • [W4.7] Static Analysis

  • [W4.8] Code reviews

  • [W4.9] RCS: Managing Pull Requests I

Full ToC


  1. Accept GitHub invitation from the course organization
  2. Submit post-lecture quiz


  1. Use GFMD in the PR description
  2. Review some peer PRs
  3. Learn from others (optional)
  4. Add Increments as branches: A-CheckStyle, Level-10, A-Varargs


  1. Start weekly project meetings
  2. Start a collaborative doc to take project notes before the tutorial
  3. Decide on an overall project direction (user profile, problem addressed) before the tutorial

Week 5 - Fri, Sep 8th


  • [W5.1] Requirements: Intro

  • [W5.2] Requirements: Gathering

  • [W5.3] Requirements: Specifying

  • [W5.8] RCS: Managing Pull Requests II

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz
  2. [optional] Submit mid-term feedback for the course Sat, Sep 16th 2359
  3. Prelim peer evaluation on TEAMMATES Thu, Sep 14th 2359


  1. Generate a new JAR file
  2. Write some full commit messages
  3. Add Increments as PRs: A-Assertions, A-CodeQuality, A-Streams
  4. Add Increment: A-CI
  5. Add an extension


  1. Brainstorm user stories before the tutorial
  2. Choose user stories for v1.2 before/during the tutorial

Week 6 - Fri, Sep 15th


  • [W6.1] Modeling: Sequence Diagrams

  • [W6.2] Architecture Diagrams

  • [W6.3] IDEs: Intermediate Features

  • [W6.4] Logging

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz


  1. Add Increments: A-BetterGui, A-Personality, A-MoreErrorHandling, A-MoreTesting
  2. Finalize the features
  3. Set up a product website
  4. Submit the final version Fri, Sep 22nd 2359


  1. Conceptualize v1.2
  2. Draft the UG
  3. Set up the project repo
  4. Get familiar with the code base

Week 7 - Fri, Sep 22nd


  • [W7.1] Requirements: Use Cases

  • [W7.2] Design: High-Level View

  • [W7.3] Design: Fundamentals

  • [W7.4] IDEs: Advanced Features : OPTIONAL

  • [W7.5] Integration Approaches

  • [W7.6] Project Mgt: Scheduling and Tracking

  • [W7.7] Project Mgt: Workflows

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz


  1. [Optional] Get more out of the iP

tP: v1.1

  1. Do a practice iteration midnight before the tutorial
  2. Update project website: AboutUs, README
  3. Update the UG
  4. Add a skeletal PPP
  5. Update the DG: user stories, glossary, NFRs, use cases
  6. Plan the next iteration
  7. Start implementing the next version

Week 8 - Fri, Oct 6th


  • [W8.1] [Revisiting] Drawing Class/Object Diagrams - Basics

  • [W8.2] [Revisiting] Drawing Class/Object Diagrams - Intermediate

  • [W8.3] [Revisiting] Drawing Sequence Diagrams

  • [W8.4] Testing: Types

  • [W8.5] Testing: Intermediate Concepts

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz
  2. Submit midterm peer evaluations on TEAMMATES Sun, Oct 15th 2359


  1. Evaluate two peer iPs Sat, Oct 14th 2359


  1. Ensure you know tP expectations
  2. Start proper milestone management
  3. Add the first functionality increment

Week 9 - Fri, Oct 13th


  • [W9.1] OO Domain Models

  • [W9.2] Activity Diagrams

  • [W9.3] Conceptualizing a Design

  • [W9.4] Architecture Diagrams: Drawing

  • [W9.5] Design Principles

  • [W9.6] [Revisiting] SDLC Process Models

  • [W9.7] SDLC Process Models (continued)

  • [W9.8] Writing Developer Documents

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz

tP: v1.2

  1. Deliver v1.2
  2. Wrap up v1.2
  3. Do an informal demo of v1.2 before the tutorial

Week 10 - Fri, Oct 20th


  • [W10.2] Defensive Programming

  • [W10.3] Test Cases: Intro

  • [W10.4] Test Cases: Equivalence Partitioning

  • [W10.5] Test Cases: Boundary Value Analysis

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz


  1. Do a postmortem of the previous iteration
  2. Adjust process rigor if necessary
  3. Start the next iteration
  4. Update the DG with design details
  5. Smoke-test CATcher COMPULSORY
  6. Do a trial JAR release

Week 11 - Fri, Oct 27th


  • [W11.1] More Design Patterns

  • [W11.2] Architectural Styles

  • [W11.3] Test Cases: Combining Multiple Inputs

  • [W11.4] Other QA Techniques

  • [W11.7] Other UML Models : OPTIONAL

Full ToC


  1. Take part in the CATcher load testing during the lecture on Oct 27th
  2. Submit post-lecture quiz

tP: v1.3

  1. Deliver v1.3
  2. Update user docs
  3. Release as a jar file
  4. Wrap up v1.3
  5. Demo v1.3 before the tutorial
  6. Get ready for the practical exam dry run before next lecture

Week 12 - Fri, Nov 3rd


  • No topics allocated to this week.


  1. Submit the declaration about code reuse COMPULSORY | Tue, Nov 14th 2359
  2. Submit the PE mode selection COMPULSORY | Sat, Nov 11th 2359
  3. Submit feedback for tutors


  1. Attend the practical exam dry run During the lecture on Fri, Nov 3rd
  2. Start fixing PED bugs Before the tutorial
  3. Polish the deliverables
  4. Draft the PPP
  5. Try PDF conversions early
  6. Ensure the code is RepoSense-compatible

Week 13 - Fri, Nov 10th


  • No topics allocated to this week.


  1. Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES Thu, Nov 16th 2359
  2. Submit the PE-Readiness Quiz before the PE

tP: v1.4

  1. Do final polish-ups
  2. Submit deliverables Tue, Nov 14th 13:00
  3. Submit the demo video Wed, Nov 15th 2359
  4. Wrap up the milestone Wed, Nov 15th 2359
  5. Prepare for the practical exam
  6. Attend the practical exam during the lecture on Fri, Nov 17th
  7. [if needed] Attend the makeup practical exam Sun, Nov 19th 1400-1600