This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Fri, Sep 8th] - Tutorial

1 Discuss code quality problems of iP PRs

  1. Find the PR you have been allocated to discuss (expand the the panel below). If the allocated PR is not available or suitable, you can choose the fallback option, and failing that, any random PR.

    PR allocation

    Your username PR to review Fallback PR to review
    A1WAYSD proto-aiken-13's PR yyyaohhh's PR
    AaronJT1 Originalidk's PR asdfghjkxd's PR
    AlagappanRa siqirua's PR limzhenwy's PR
    AlainS87 sunzihan23's PR suryanshkushwaha's PR
    AlfredBeNoel josepholim's PR jinyuan0425's PR
    AlyssaPng xenosf's PR emzm2023's PR
    AndrewJanong shashahchk's PR geoffong11's PR
    Angelyxx mamayuan's PR kayabuttertoastt's PR
    AnnabelTing wasjoe1's PR cbj252's PR
    AprupKale SungMatt's PR rayshawntan's PR
    AriellaCallista samuelmui8's PR shuyangk's PR
    AryanG01 keaganpzh's PR neyapraveen's PR
    AustinHuang1203 MadLamprey's PR ruth-lim's PR
    B-enguin WeeeHung's PR sudarshan2401's PR
    Badatprogrammiing conradsoon's PR thienmy0's PR
    Bearypop derekjxtan's PR ncmathan's PR
    Blizzeracz markgcera's PR SelwynAng's PR
    Bombbird2001 kiatkat's PR Jweewee's PR
    Bryan-Goh jamesebond's PR nicolengk's PR
    CJ-Lee01 flexibo's PR beatricecst's PR
    Carlintyj AustinHuang1203's PR MadLamprey's PR
    CelestineTan03 glenngnng's PR ylyma's PR
    Chandan8186 anthonytamzil's PR LuoZYi's PR
    ChangruHenryQian Clin-lyx's PR Gabriel4357's PR
    Chen-Kuei DonovanJJ's PR Carlintyj's PR
    Chen1x DistractedCat's PR jianyangg's PR
    ChongWeiJie29 dishenggg's PR wamps-jp's PR
    Choonyan02 butteredyakiimo's PR Goh-Li-Ting's PR
    Chrainx LordSaumya's PR ChuanXinNg's PR
    ChuanXinNg eyelessrhyme7's PR larrywang0701's PR
    Cikguseven jrchoo's PR juliusgambe's PR
    Cleon2 andytoh1's PR LoMaply's PR
    Clin-lyx Gabriel4357's PR hyc17003's PR
    Cloud7050 lyuanww's PR AnnabelTing's PR
    D-Limiter adammangzijun's PR VN-Hao's PR
    Daphne789 nabonitasen's PR wanghejin's PR
    Darren159 B-enguin's PR WeeeHung's PR
    DeltonCheng jibtaf's PR LINCHENYU2030S's PR
    Dioclei sheryew's PR Seonlo99's PR
    DistractedCat jianyangg's PR kanna-1's PR
    DonovanJJ Carlintyj's PR AustinHuang1203's PR
    ElginTZM Nauxe's PR Chen1x's PR
    Elijah5399 zhengyup's PR ktzy0305's PR
    Eola-Z Mohammed-Faizzzz's PR m1oojv's PR
    EricXiong420 bkjwjason's PR prawnzyy's PR
    Fallman2 johnnythesnake12's PR wjayee's PR
    FerdiHS teozhengyang's PR Bombbird2001's PR
    GSgiansen marcellaantania's PR EricXiong420's PR
    Gabriel4357 hyc17003's PR victorpengmx's PR
    Gavino3o tiongjjyi's PR KumChaiYin's PR
    GlendaChong jingting1412's PR Bryan-Goh's PR
    Goh-Li-Ting nreHieW's PR mfjkri's PR
    GohTengFong javinchua's PR dom-buri's PR
    H1410101 zacwong2151's PR shyanyong's PR
    HEEaZ nicholascher's PR ravern's PR
    Heran9 ruiyangzh's PR supermii2's PR
    HollaG ryanongwx's PR marquestye's PR
    HugeNoob YeoBohShin's PR Vanessamae23's PR
    InfiBeyond andrefoo's PR Sheeepen's PR
    ItsTYtan KamiliArsyad's PR nikele2001's PR
    J-hta-n sopa301's PR nknguyenhc's PR
    JCSnap LinWanLeii's PR Daphne789's PR
    JasonLCY-Temp chuababyy's PR kokrui's PR
    JasonRay168 Gavino3o's PR tiongjjyi's PR
    JeremyYong128 cxo05's PR NereusWB922's PR
    JizhuoChen Leb14's PR Sasmik23's PR
    Jonyxzx leezhengjing's PR rocketninja7's PR
    Jweewee GSgiansen's PR marcellaantania's PR
    Jweng88 CJ-Lee01's PR flexibo's PR
    Kailash201 richiehx's PR et-irl's PR
    KamJiaYue yarnmengnus's PR songfangyl's PR
    KamiliArsyad nikele2001's PR awhb's PR
    Kb-Tay billieboy7's PR ElginTZM's PR
    Ken-Lai nananakx-x's PR Chen-Kuei's PR
    Kevin-Liusx angkyakdifp's PR newway1814's PR
    Khaleelur-Rahman freshcabbage123's PR Cikguseven's PR
    Kokseng1 Saezenn's PR GohTengFong's PR
    KumChaiYin s-kybound's PR XihuaZ's PR
    Kurtyjlee lordidiot's PR jordankanghm's PR
    LHeng1 tanyyyming's PR kristayeo's PR
    LINCHENYU2030S mingyuanc's PR AndrewJanong's PR
    LWZ19 Kurtyjlee's PR lordidiot's PR
    LamJiuFong tyouwei's PR imkwokyong's PR
    Leb14 Sasmik23's PR phiphi-tan's PR
    LicongHuang Cleon2's PR andytoh1's PR
    LimJH2002 AryanG01's PR keaganpzh's PR
    LinWanLeii Daphne789's PR nabonitasen's PR
    LoMaply trgao's PR cmHuang777's PR
    LordSaumya ChuanXinNg's PR eyelessrhyme7's PR
    LuahJunYang tanboonkhong's PR shishirbychapur's PR
    LuoZYi elaineshijie's PR Badatprogrammiing's PR
    MadLamprey ruth-lim's PR adhigop13's PR
    MagnificentCreature AlyssaPng's PR xenosf's PR
    Mahidharah pra-navi's PR kiwibang's PR
    McNaBry chew01's PR lamchenghou's PR
    Mohammed-Faizzzz m1oojv's PR ChangruHenryQian's PR
    Nauxe Chen1x's PR DistractedCat's PR
    NereusWB922 TehOPanas's PR jinyang628's PR
    NgChunMan yucongkoo's PR zsh-eng's PR
    Nid21cs jannnice's PR yongning0310's PR
    Nixx162 wui-hong's PR xavierpok's PR
    Originalidk asdfghjkxd's PR seraphimstreets's PR
    PearlynnT yanghengtang's PR chonguschonguschongus's PR
    PetrichorPrecipice devanshubisht's PR zekone's PR
    PohSayKeong ngeeyonglim's PR lsyurea's PR
    Propene-Dan licongshen12's PR fuyiqiao's PR
    RB9823 zhyuhan's PR Bearypop's PR
    RSXIX AprupKale's PR SungMatt's PR
    Respirayson AlagappanRa's PR siqirua's PR
    RiyaMehta2211 TeeRenJing's PR leontan2's PR
    RoeReRe chewjh1234's PR McNaBry's PR
    Ruizhi2001 InfiBeyond's PR andrefoo's PR
    Saezenn GohTengFong's PR javinchua's PR
    Sasmik23 phiphi-tan's PR brendanneojw's PR
    ScarletBlanks SynapseProgramming's PR JizhuoChen's PR
    Sebtey timetraveller-123's PR sk2001git's PR
    SelwynAng teozern1's PR Chandan8186's PR
    Seonlo99 euchangxian's PR ItsTYtan's PR
    Sheeepen matochichap's PR redtailedfox's PR
    SimWPEric Nid21cs's PR jannnice's PR
    Singa-pirate tanveersingh10's PR nicholastng010601's PR
    SinhaVedant ketweeen's PR alyssaongyx's PR
    Song-Mengfei Choonyan02's PR butteredyakiimo's PR
    StevenLiudw owenyeo's PR darrentfy's PR
    SungMatt rayshawntan's PR junnengsoo's PR
    SynapseProgramming JizhuoChen's PR Leb14's PR
    Tang-Moyan s0ngyang's PR alvinlim277's PR
    TeeRenJing leontan2's PR ivanleekk's PR
    TehOPanas jinyang628's PR nixonwidjaja's PR
    Tim-Siu itsNatTan's PR Ken-Lai's PR
    TiwKangXu WinSheng1's PR LamJiuFong's PR
    TohLiYuan peasantbird's PR qz1004's PR
    TyrusLye wujy28's PR RoeReRe's PR
    VN-Hao ruo-x's PR wesho1107's PR
    Vanessamae23 ji-just-ji's PR nubnubyas's PR
    WZWren Respirayson's PR AlagappanRa's PR
    WangCheng0116 hjoneweek's PR limjunxian1's PR
    WeeMingQing PetrichorPrecipice's PR devanshubisht's PR
    WeeeHung sudarshan2401's PR ruishanteo's PR
    Weiennn ryantzr1's PR Sebtey's PR
    WinSheng1 LamJiuFong's PR tyouwei's PR
    WinstonLeonard tllshan's PR PearlynnT's PR
    XihuaZ jonyeokj's PR LimJH2002's PR
    YeoBohShin Vanessamae23's PR ji-just-ji's PR
    ZD292 A1WAYSD's PR proto-aiken-13's PR
    Zjinnnn PohSayKeong's PR ngeeyonglim's PR
    aarontxz frrrrry's PR TohLiYuan's PR
    adammangzijun VN-Hao's PR ruo-x's PR
    adhigop13 Kevin-Liusx's PR angkyakdifp's PR
    aexolate raydenlim's PR saltedfishxx's PR
    aliciamichellew FerdiHS's PR teozhengyang's PR
    alientian wj331's PR techjay-c's PR
    alvinlim277 jonasongg's PR Nixx162's PR
    alyssaongyx Chrainx's PR LordSaumya's PR
    amosting Tang-Moyan's PR s0ngyang's PR
    andrechuakj wnchan's PR rayyan35p's PR
    andrefoo Sheeepen's PR matochichap's PR
    andytoh1 LoMaply's PR trgao's PR
    angkyakdifp newway1814's PR RSXIX's PR
    anthonytamzil LuoZYi's PR elaineshijie's PR
    antonTan96 Khaleelur-Rahman's PR freshcabbage123's PR
    applepiofmyeye hcs1203's PR jack1e0's PR
    asdfghjkxd seraphimstreets's PR tohpinren's PR
    aslam341 Mahidharah's PR pra-navi's PR
    awhb rionshocker's PR Kailash201's PR
    beatricecst DeltonCheng's PR jibtaf's PR
    bhnuka freddychenyouren2's PR erohsikivar's PR
    billieboy7 ElginTZM's PR Nauxe's PR
    bkjwjason prawnzyy's PR p-xp's PR
    bobscodedump dickongwd's PR jylow's PR
    brandon-nam RiyaMehta2211's PR TeeRenJing's PR
    brein62 ChongWeiJie29's PR dishenggg's PR
    brendanneojw jedkohjk's PR junhonglow's PR
    butteredyakiimo Goh-Li-Ting's PR nreHieW's PR
    bwangpj pangyyen's PR lambraydon's PR
    cbj252 kwangthiag's PR xyT-T's PR
    ceilingFan456 RB9823's PR zhyuhan's PR
    cheeggered kohkaijie's PR lerxuann's PR
    chew01 lamchenghou's PR ivyy-poison's PR
    chewjh1234 McNaBry's PR chew01's PR
    chiayunrong yuxunn's PR WinstonLeonard's PR
    chonguschonguschongus oeggy03's PR LWZ19's PR
    chuababyy kokrui's PR aexolate's PR
    cmHuang777 jiakai-17's PR HollaG's PR
    coderhuang559 Song-Mengfei's PR Choonyan02's PR
    conradsoon thienmy0's PR ldinghan's PR
    craigtonlian yezkez10's PR LHeng1's PR
    cxo05 NereusWB922's PR TehOPanas's PR
    cyaoxuan ncduy0303's PR Fallman2's PR
    czhiruo quzhetao01's PR AlfredBeNoel's PR
    darrentfy gongg21's PR victorlaiyeeteng's PR
    derekjxtan ncmathan's PR raynertjx's PR
    devanshubisht zekone's PR winson8222's PR
    dhruvir29 andrechuakj's PR wnchan's PR
    dickongwd jylow's PR aslam341's PR
    dinde2004 waseemingly's PR itssisi's PR
    dishenggg wamps-jp's PR syamfarh's PR
    dlathyun ryanozx's PR peiran18's PR
    dloh2236 Ruizhi2001's PR InfiBeyond's PR
    dom-buri chiayunrong's PR yuxunn's PR
    dylkaw Kb-Tay's PR billieboy7's PR
    elaineshijie Badatprogrammiing's PR conradsoon's PR
    elhy1999 Cloud7050's PR lyuanww's PR
    emzm2023 HugeNoob's PR YeoBohShin's PR
    erohsikivar lululwtv's PR Kokseng1's PR
    et-irl brandon-nam's PR RiyaMehta2211's PR
    euchangxian ItsTYtan's PR KamiliArsyad's PR
    evanyan13 KamJiaYue's PR yarnmengnus's PR
    eyelessrhyme7 larrywang0701's PR jeffrey-jian's PR
    feifeiraindrops bhnuka's PR freddychenyouren2's PR
    felibunnyy sp4ce-cowboy's PR LicongHuang's PR
    flexibo beatricecst's PR DeltonCheng's PR
    freddychenyouren2 erohsikivar's PR lululwtv's PR
    freshcabbage123 Cikguseven's PR jrchoo's PR
    frrrrry TohLiYuan's PR peasantbird's PR
    fuyiqiao Tim-Siu's PR itsNatTan's PR
    garylow2001 bobscodedump's PR dickongwd's PR
    geoffong11 LuahJunYang's PR tanboonkhong's PR
    geraldngjx Jweng88's PR CJ-Lee01's PR
    glenngnng ylyma's PR saraozn's PR
    gongg21 victorlaiyeeteng's PR nathanielcalimag's PR
    hcs1203 jack1e0's PR cyaoxuan's PR
    hjoneweek limjunxian1's PR tiongMax's PR
    howenc Singa-pirate's PR tanveersingh10's PR
    hyc17003 victorpengmx's PR GlendaChong's PR
    iantsaii Propene-Dan's PR licongshen12's PR
    imkwokyong bwangpj's PR pangyyen's PR
    inezkok laurenlim2112's PR zannloo's PR
    itsNatTan Ken-Lai's PR nananakx-x's PR
    itssisi yiwen101's PR nicleongyj's PR
    ivanleekk dloh2236's PR Ruizhi2001's PR
    ivyy-poison czhiruo's PR quzhetao01's PR
    iyioon MagnificentCreature's PR AlyssaPng's PR
    jack1e0 cyaoxuan's PR ncduy0303's PR
    jacksonyuan256 timleow's PR tjch-o's PR
    jacobcuison tiif's PR thaddeusong's PR
    jamesebond nicolengk's PR JasonRay168's PR
    jamz903 jx124's PR ryamgoh's PR
    jannnice yongning0310's PR Angelyxx's PR
    jason-raiin dinde2004's PR waseemingly's PR
    javinchua dom-buri's PR chiayunrong's PR
    jean-cq WeeMingQing's PR PetrichorPrecipice's PR
    jedkohjk junhonglow's PR leezhanpeng's PR
    jeffrey-jian shuenj's PR zhanyang01's PR
    jellywaiyan H1410101's PR zacwong2151's PR
    ji-just-ji nubnubyas's PR tayian's PR
    jiakai-17 HollaG's PR ryanongwx's PR
    jianrong7 evanyan13's PR KamJiaYue's PR
    jianyangg kanna-1's PR seanpzk's PR
    jibtaf LINCHENYU2030S's PR mingyuanc's PR
    jingjie88 Darren159's PR B-enguin's PR
    jingting1412 Bryan-Goh's PR jamesebond's PR
    jingyu987 tayruxin's PR feifeiraindrops's PR
    jinyang628 nixonwidjaja's PR kenvynKwek's PR
    jinyuan0425 lihongguang00's PR woojiahao's PR
    joel-foo HEEaZ's PR nicholascher's PR
    joeng03 sushiyade's PR qyaner's PR
    johnnythesnake12 wjayee's PR lynnlow175's PR
    jonasongg Nixx162's PR wui-hong's PR
    jonyeokj LimJH2002's PR AryanG01's PR
    jordankanghm jingyu987's PR tayruxin's PR
    josepholim jinyuan0425's PR lihongguang00's PR
    jovkusuma iantsaii's PR Propene-Dan's PR
    jrchoo juliusgambe's PR ricketytoc's PR
    juliusgambe ricketytoc's PR geraldngjx's PR
    junhonglow leezhanpeng's PR ceilingFan456's PR
    junnengsoo jovkusuma's PR iantsaii's PR
    juzzztinsoong antonTan96's PR Khaleelur-Rahman's PR
    jx124 ryamgoh's PR dylkaw's PR
    jylow aslam341's PR Mahidharah's PR
    kanna-1 seanpzk's PR seantehds's PR
    kayabuttertoastt yihfei's PR ph-nathan's PR
    keaganpzh neyapraveen's PR Eola-Z's PR
    kenvynKwek Blizzeracz's PR markgcera's PR
    ketweeen alyssaongyx's PR Chrainx's PR
    kiatkat Jweewee's PR GSgiansen's PR
    kimshitong spatuly's PR li-rongzhi's PR
    kiwibang seewhyjay's PR TyrusLye's PR
    kohkaijie lerxuann's PR jingjie88's PR
    kokrui aexolate's PR raydenlim's PR
    kristayeo AlainS87's PR sunzihan23's PR
    ktzy0305 aarontxz's PR frrrrry's PR
    kwangthiag xyT-T's PR coderhuang559's PR
    lambraydon lilozz2's PR jason-raiin's PR
    lamchenghou ivyy-poison's PR czhiruo's PR
    larrywang0701 jeffrey-jian's PR shuenj's PR
    laurenlim2112 zannloo's PR Elijah5399's PR
    lawruixi Heran9's PR ruiyangzh's PR
    ldinghan joel-foo's PR HEEaZ's PR
    leezhanpeng ceilingFan456's PR RB9823's PR
    leezhengjing rocketninja7's PR AaronJT1's PR
    leontan2 ivanleekk's PR dloh2236's PR
    lerxuann jingjie88's PR Darren159's PR
    li-rongzhi WangCheng0116's PR hjoneweek's PR
    licongshen12 fuyiqiao's PR Tim-Siu's PR
    lihongguang00 woojiahao's PR garylow2001's PR
    lilozz2 jason-raiin's PR dinde2004's PR
    limjunxian1 tiongMax's PR songgthu's PR
    limzhenwy teoks0199's PR StevenLiudw's PR
    lipwei1808 lawruixi's PR Heran9's PR
    longnguyentan revdrag's PR tanteckfang's PR
    lordidiot jordankanghm's PR jingyu987's PR
    lshaoqin Jonyxzx's PR leezhengjing's PR
    lsyurea xCOLOURx's PR brein62's PR
    lululwtv Kokseng1's PR Saezenn's PR
    lunaroddity D-Limiter's PR adammangzijun's PR
    lynnlow175 J-hta-n's PR sopa301's PR
    lyuanww AnnabelTing's PR wasjoe1's PR
    m1oojv ChangruHenryQian's PR Clin-lyx's PR
    maj0-0 kimshitong's PR spatuly's PR
    mamayuan kayabuttertoastt's PR yihfei's PR
    marcellaantania EricXiong420's PR bkjwjason's PR
    marioalvaro AriellaCallista's PR samuelmui8's PR
    markgcera SelwynAng's PR teozern1's PR
    marquestye WZWren's PR Respirayson's PR
    matochichap redtailedfox's PR Dioclei's PR
    maypfv joeng03's PR sushiyade's PR
    mfjkri craigtonlian's PR yezkez10's PR
    migfoo02 SimWPEric's PR Nid21cs's PR
    miljyy vansh284's PR NgChunMan's PR
    mingyu-wan ZD292's PR A1WAYSD's PR
    mingyuanc AndrewJanong's PR shashahchk's PR
    mounilsankar Zjinnnn's PR PohSayKeong's PR
    nabonitasen wanghejin's PR applepiofmyeye's PR
    nananakx-x Chen-Kuei's PR DonovanJJ's PR
    nathanielcalimag felibunnyy's PR sp4ce-cowboy's PR
    ncduy0303 Fallman2's PR johnnythesnake12's PR
    ncmathan raynertjx's PR JasonLCY-Temp's PR
    newway1814 RSXIX's PR AprupKale's PR
    neyapraveen Eola-Z's PR Mohammed-Faizzzz's PR
    ngeeyonglim lsyurea's PR xCOLOURx's PR
    nicholascher ravern's PR ong-wei-hong's PR
    nicholastng010601 pzl111's PR jellywaiyan's PR
    nicleongyj zhonghan721's PR Weiennn's PR
    nicolengk JasonRay168's PR Gavino3o's PR
    nicrandomlee jamz903's PR jx124's PR
    nikele2001 awhb's PR rionshocker's PR
    nixonwidjaja kenvynKwek's PR Blizzeracz's PR
    nknguyenhc vijay-shankaranand's PR lunaroddity's PR
    nreHieW mfjkri's PR craigtonlian's PR
    nubnubyas tayian's PR maypfv's PR
    oeggy03 LWZ19's PR Kurtyjlee's PR
    ong-wei-hong JeremyYong128's PR cxo05's PR
    owenyeo darrentfy's PR gongg21's PR
    p-xp jacksonyuan256's PR timleow's PR
    pangyyen lambraydon's PR lilozz2's PR
    papataco14 CelestineTan03's PR glenngnng's PR
    peasantbird qz1004's PR cheeggered's PR
    peiran18 TiwKangXu's PR WinSheng1's PR
    ph-nathan howenc's PR Singa-pirate's PR
    phiphi-tan brendanneojw's PR jedkohjk's PR
    pra-navi kiwibang's PR seewhyjay's PR
    prawnzyy p-xp's PR jacksonyuan256's PR
    proto-aiken-13 yyyaohhh's PR longnguyentan's PR
    pzl111 jellywaiyan's PR H1410101's PR
    quzhetao01 AlfredBeNoel's PR josepholim's PR
    qyaner jianrong7's PR evanyan13's PR
    qz1004 cheeggered's PR kohkaijie's PR
    ravern ong-wei-hong's PR JeremyYong128's PR
    raydenlim saltedfishxx's PR wxwern's PR
    raynertjx JasonLCY-Temp's PR chuababyy's PR
    rayshawntan junnengsoo's PR jovkusuma's PR
    rayyan35p mingyu-wan's PR ZD292's PR
    redtailedfox Dioclei's PR sheryew's PR
    remuslum starrylight99's PR jacobcuison's PR
    revdrag tanteckfang's PR SinhaVedant's PR
    richiehx et-irl's PR brandon-nam's PR
    ricketytoc geraldngjx's PR Jweng88's PR
    rionshocker Kailash201's PR richiehx's PR
    rocketninja7 AaronJT1's PR Originalidk's PR
    ruishanteo marioalvaro's PR AriellaCallista's PR
    ruiyangzh supermii2's PR mounilsankar's PR
    ruo-x wesho1107's PR JCSnap's PR
    ruth-lim adhigop13's PR Kevin-Liusx's PR
    ryamgoh dylkaw's PR Kb-Tay's PR
    ryanongwx marquestye's PR WZWren's PR
    ryanozx peiran18's PR TiwKangXu's PR
    ryantzr1 Sebtey's PR timetraveller-123's PR
    s-kybound XihuaZ's PR jonyeokj's PR
    s-peiran xxiaoweii's PR iyioon's PR
    s0ngyang alvinlim277's PR jonasongg's PR
    saltedfishxx wxwern's PR ScarletBlanks's PR
    samuelim01 juzzztinsoong's PR antonTan96's PR
    samuelmui8 shuyangk's PR inezkok's PR
    saraozn migfoo02's PR SimWPEric's PR
    seanpzk seantehds's PR tanshiyu1999's PR
    seantehds tanshiyu1999's PR simbayippy's PR
    seewhyjay TyrusLye's PR wujy28's PR
    seraphimstreets tohpinren's PR aliciamichellew's PR
    shashahchk geoffong11's PR LuahJunYang's PR
    sheryew Seonlo99's PR euchangxian's PR
    shishirbychapur samuelim01's PR juzzztinsoong's PR
    shuenj zhanyang01's PR wjacobw's PR
    shuyangk inezkok's PR laurenlim2112's PR
    shyanyong papataco14's PR CelestineTan03's PR
    simbayippy tjingsheng's PR yytan25's PR
    siqirua limzhenwy's PR teoks0199's PR
    sk2001git dlathyun's PR ryanozx's PR
    songfangyl tim-pipi's PR vivienherq's PR
    songgthu alientian's PR wj331's PR
    sopa301 nknguyenhc's PR vijay-shankaranand's PR
    sp4ce-cowboy LicongHuang's PR Cleon2's PR
    spatuly li-rongzhi's PR WangCheng0116's PR
    starrylight99 jacobcuison's PR tiif's PR
    sudarshan2401 ruishanteo's PR marioalvaro's PR
    sunzihan23 suryanshkushwaha's PR weeweh's PR
    supermii2 mounilsankar's PR Zjinnnn's PR
    suryanshkushwaha weeweh's PR elhy1999's PR
    sushiyade qyaner's PR jianrong7's PR
    syamfarh amosting's PR Tang-Moyan's PR
    tanboonkhong shishirbychapur's PR samuelim01's PR
    tanshiyu1999 simbayippy's PR tjingsheng's PR
    tanteckfang SinhaVedant's PR ketweeen's PR
    tanveersingh10 nicholastng010601's PR pzl111's PR
    tanyyyming kristayeo's PR AlainS87's PR
    tayian maypfv's PR joeng03's PR
    tayruxin feifeiraindrops's PR bhnuka's PR
    techjay-c jean-cq's PR WeeMingQing's PR
    teoks0199 StevenLiudw's PR owenyeo's PR
    teozern1 Chandan8186's PR anthonytamzil's PR
    teozhengyang Bombbird2001's PR kiatkat's PR
    thaddeusong wr1159's PR maj0-0's PR
    thienmy0 ldinghan's PR joel-foo's PR
    tiif thaddeusong's PR wr1159's PR
    tim-pipi vivienherq's PR s-peiran's PR
    timetraveller-123 sk2001git's PR dlathyun's PR
    timleow tjch-o's PR lshaoqin's PR
    tiongMax songgthu's PR alientian's PR
    tiongjjyi KumChaiYin's PR s-kybound's PR
    tjch-o lshaoqin's PR Jonyxzx's PR
    tjingsheng yytan25's PR miljyy's PR
    tllshan PearlynnT's PR yanghengtang's PR
    tohpinren aliciamichellew's PR FerdiHS's PR
    trgao cmHuang777's PR jiakai-17's PR
    tyouwei imkwokyong's PR bwangpj's PR
    vansh284 NgChunMan's PR yucongkoo's PR
    victorlaiyeeteng nathanielcalimag's PR felibunnyy's PR
    victorpengmx GlendaChong's PR jingting1412's PR
    vijay-shankaranand lunaroddity's PR D-Limiter's PR
    vivienherq s-peiran's PR xxiaoweii's PR
    wamps-jp syamfarh's PR amosting's PR
    wanghejin applepiofmyeye's PR hcs1203's PR
    waseemingly itssisi's PR yiwen101's PR
    wasjoe1 cbj252's PR kwangthiag's PR
    weeweh elhy1999's PR Cloud7050's PR
    wesho1107 JCSnap's PR LinWanLeii's PR
    winson8222 remuslum's PR starrylight99's PR
    wj331 techjay-c's PR jean-cq's PR
    wjacobw dhruvir29's PR andrechuakj's PR
    wjayee lynnlow175's PR J-hta-n's PR
    wnchan rayyan35p's PR mingyu-wan's PR
    woojiahao garylow2001's PR bobscodedump's PR
    wr1159 maj0-0's PR kimshitong's PR
    wui-hong xavierpok's PR lipwei1808's PR
    wujy28 RoeReRe's PR chewjh1234's PR
    wxwern ScarletBlanks's PR SynapseProgramming's PR
    xCOLOURx brein62's PR ChongWeiJie29's PR
    xavierpok lipwei1808's PR lawruixi's PR
    xenosf emzm2023's PR HugeNoob's PR
    xxiaoweii iyioon's PR MagnificentCreature's PR
    xyT-T coderhuang559's PR Song-Mengfei's PR
    yanghengtang chonguschonguschongus's PR oeggy03's PR
    yarnmengnus songfangyl's PR tim-pipi's PR
    yezkez10 LHeng1's PR tanyyyming's PR
    yihfei ph-nathan's PR howenc's PR
    yiwen101 nicleongyj's PR zhonghan721's PR
    ylyma saraozn's PR migfoo02's PR
    yongning0310 Angelyxx's PR mamayuan's PR
    yucongkoo zsh-eng's PR nicrandomlee's PR
    yuxunn WinstonLeonard's PR tllshan's PR
    yytan25 miljyy's PR vansh284's PR
    yyyaohhh longnguyentan's PR revdrag's PR
    zacwong2151 shyanyong's PR papataco14's PR
    zannloo Elijah5399's PR zhengyup's PR
    zekone winson8222's PR remuslum's PR
    zhanyang01 wjacobw's PR dhruvir29's PR
    zhengyup ktzy0305's PR aarontxz's PR
    zhonghan721 Weiennn's PR ryantzr1's PR
    zhyuhan Bearypop's PR derekjxtan's PR
    zsh-eng nicrandomlee's PR jamz903's PR

    Allocation not available yet...

  2. 10 minutes Find given problems: Go through the code in the diff view (i.e., the files changed tab), and find instances of following code quality problems (ignore other types of code quality problems)
    a. weak SLAP
    b. arrow-head style code
    c. too-long methods
    d. too-deep nesting

    To identify long methods or deep nesting, zoom out and scroll through the entire PR code to do a visual inspection (no need to read the code line-by-line). After visually locating a method that looks too long/deep, have a closer look to see it can be improved by using better abstraction.

    • If you can't find at least one example, you can try the fallback option provided, and failing that, another random iP PR.
    • You can also select borderline cases.
    • Paste screenshots of problematic code in the shared online document provided (in the section of the document allocated to you).
  3. 10 minutes Discussion: The tutor will lead a short discussion to go through the problematic code you found.

  4. After the tutorial, you can apply the insights gained from this activity to improve the code quality of your own iP, if necessary.

    You are not required to (but welcome to) post review comments in the PRs you examined.

2 User stories exercise

  • Consider the following user stories a team came up with, for a tP that aims to build a software for tracking travel plans.
1 As a … I can … So that I can … notes
2 first-time user see some sample trips when I open the app easily try out its features without needing to add my data first
3 first-time user see a help message explaining which features I should try first start by trying features that are more suited for new users e.g., "hey you seem to be new. Try adding a trip first"
4 new user ready to adopt the app for my own use purge all data get rid of sample/dummy data and start adding my real data
5 busy user track all trip-related data inside the app save time looking for data
6 user sending trip info to friends via email or telegram
7 user add a trip
8 user delete a trip get rid of trip no longer needed to track
9 user edit trip details correct mistakes I made when adding a trip
10 user view all trip details recall details of trips
11 user see the next upcoming trip details when I open the app save the step of searching for the trip reason: the next upcoming trips is the most likely trip the user may want to see
  • Think of the answers to the following questions. These will be discussed during the tutorial.
    1. Which user stories don’t follow the correct format?
    2. Any of them too big for the tP planning? i.e., cannot be implemented by one person within 1-2 days
    3. Which are must-have for v1.2? i.e., impossible to use the app without it

3 Prioritize tP user stories

  • If you haven't done so already, prioritize tP user stories as explained in the panel below.

4 time permitting Create a feature list for v1.2

  • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.

Admin tP → week 6 → Conceptualize v1.2

  • Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.2 in the form of a feature list.
    Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.

FAQ: How many features should we put in v1.2?
A: Aim for the smallest set of features the product cannot do without. Even a most basic version of those features is enough. After completing that feature set, you can add more if there is time left.