This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Course ExpectationsLectures

Weekly Schedule

CS2103/T week vs normal academic week

Each CS2103/T week starts with the lecture and ends just before the following week's lecture. The only exception is week 1, which starts on the Monday of the first week of the semester.

As our lecture is on Friday, CS2103/T week starts a few days earlier than the normal NUS academic week. For example, CS2103/T week 2 starts on the Friday of NUS week 1. See the full timeline for exact dates.

Deadline for weekly tasks

The soft deadline to complete tasks allocated to a week is the , unless a specific deadline is given. You are strongly encouraged to finish most weekly tasks before the soft deadline because some tutorial tasks are done best after weekly tasks have been completed, for the best learning experience.

The hard deadline for weekly tasks is the following lecture i.e., do this week's task before the next week's lecture.

We are not strict with most interim weekly project deadlines i.e., we'll not penalize you even if you occasionally miss those deadlines, as long as you catch up soon enough (within a few days after the hard deadline). This flexibility does not apply if a task description states a specific deadline.

It's OK to make occasional mistakes in weekly tasks (making mistakes is a natural part of learning new things after all). If a weekly task was not accepted as 'done' due to a mistake you made, go ahead and rectify the mistake as soon as you can -- our grading scripts will not penalize such mistakes if they are corrected soon after.

We wont wait forever though. Note that for most interim deliverables, we stop checking about one week after the deadline is over. So, work/corrections done more than one week after the deadline might not get noticed at all by our grading scripts, even as late submissions.

The typical weekly cycle

[Lecture day (Friday)]

  • Attend the lecture to,
    • see a recap of the preceding week's topics
    • get an introduction to the current week's topics
    • submit the in-lecture quiz/activities (if any)

Admin Lectures

[End of lecture - Start of tutorial]

  • Use the relevant learning resources to learn the topics.
  • Self-test your knowledge using exercises given in the learning resources.
  • Submit the post-lecture quiz/exercises (if any)
  • Do project tasks (e.g., attend weekly project meeting, finish weekly deliverables)
  • If you don't have time to learn all topics assigned to the week, use the topic levels system to decide which ones to do first.

Before attempting weekly project tasks, go through the weekly topics as the knowledge from those topics may be needed to complete the project tasks.

[During tutorial]

  • Attend the tutorial to,
    • demonstrate evidence of your learning weekly topics to the tutor
    • learn from peer demos of showing evidence of their own learning

Admin Tutorials

[End of tutorial - Start of lecture]

  • Downtime (or catch-up with missed tasks)

Course ExpectationsLectures